We know from talking to our members that training costs are rising and with the increasing mandatory requirements plus staff turnover, this is a a growing concern. With that in mind and to support the future workforce needed for the sector, iCG is introducing the iCG Training Academy which is available to members and features significant discounts for the training courses on offer.
Introduction to the
Management Training Programme
Click the image above for more information about the
Management Training Programme.
The price for this comprehensive MDP course is £2995 (+VAT) but iCG members will receive:
• an automatic 11% discount
• for the MDP, iCG members also receive 'EARLY BIRD' discounts if they book before 21st October.
• for the MDP, iCG members can also receive group discounts for sending more than one person. The more people they send, the bigger the group discount.
To book or or more information and a list of training course opportunities, contact us at: memberservices@independentcaregroup.co.uk and mark your email header ‘Training Academy’